Daniel Dravot: Peachy, I'm heartily ashamed for gettin' you killed instead of going home rich like you deserved to, on account of me bein' so bleedin' high and bloody mighty. Can you forgive me? Peachy Carnehan: That I can and that I do, Danny, free ...
Daniel Dravot: Now listen to me you benighted muckers. We're going to teach you soldiering. The world's noblest profession. When we're done with you, you'll be able to slaughter your enemies like civilized men.
Billy Fish: He wants to know if you are gods. Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Daniel Dravot: The more tribes, the more they'll fight, and the better for us.
[One of Ootah's daughters is trying to seduce Peachy] Peachy Carnehan: Danny, let us seek safety on the battlefield.
Billy Fish: I oft times tell Ootah about Englishmens. How they give names to dogs and take off hats to womans, and march into battle, left - right, left -right with rifles on their shoulders.
Peachy Carnehan: Danny's only a man. But he break wind at both ends simultaneous - which is more, I reckon, than any god can do.
Daniel Dravot, Peachy Carnehan: God's holy trousers!
Danny: You mean he's piled up a fortune of sixty cows out of her infidelities? Billy Fish: And thirty-two goats. Danny: She ain't a wife, she's a going concern!
Billy Fish: [On being offered a horse to escape the lost battle] Gurkha is foot soldier, not cavalry.
Peachy Carnehan: Keep looking at me. It helps to keep my soul from flying off.
Peachy Carnehan: It took him half an hour to fall.
Peachy Carnehan: Now, the problem is, how to divide five Afghans from three mules and have two Englishmen left over.
Daniel Dravot: You are going to become soldiers. A soldier does not think. He only obeys. Do you really think that if a soldier thought twice he'd give his life for queen and country? Not bloody likely.
[speaking to Billy Fish in Kafiri] Billy Fish: Ootah say take your pick. He have twenty three daughters. Danny: Those are his daughters? Why the dirty old beggar! Peachy Carnehan: Now, now Danny. Different countries, different ways. He's only being h...
Danny: You mortals wait down there!
Daniel Dravot: In any place where they fight, a man who knows how to drill men can always be a King. We shall go to those parts and say to any King we find - "D'you want to vanquish your foes?' and we will show him how to drill men; for that we know ...
Daniel Dravot: Billy Fish, do they always use such a big ball? Billy Fish: Depend on size of man's head. Big head, big ball, small head, small ball. That Bashki man. Oh big damn head.