Lady Marian Fitzswalter: Robin!
Robin Hood: Yes?
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: Please.
Robin Hood: Then you do love me, don't you? Don't you?
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: You know I do.
Robin Hood: Well, that's different. (Robin re-enters the window and they share an embrace and kiss.)
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: You know you're very impudent.
Robin Hood: Me?
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: You are. And when my real guardian King Richard finds out about your being in love with me...
Robin Hood: I know, he'll make me court jester.
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: He won't. He'll stick your funny head on London's Gate.
Robin Hood: A very fine decoration it will be, my bold Norman beauty.
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: I'm not bold.
Robin Hood: But you're a Norman... And you are a beauty. You are the most beautiful...
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: And you're leaving here at once. Please darling! Every minute you're here, you're in danger.
Robin Hood: I know...