Quote from : The Adventures of Robin Hood Movie

Lady Marian Fitzswalter: Tell me: when you are in love, is it hard to think of anybody but one person?
Bess: Yes, indeed, m'lady, and sometimes it's a bit of trouble sleeping.
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: I know! But it's a nice kind of not sleeping!
Bess: Yes. And it affects your appetite, too. Not that I've noticed it's done that to you, 'cept when he was in the dungeon waiting to be hanged.
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: And does it make you want to be with him all the time?
Bess: Yes. And when he's with you, your legs are as weak as water. Now, tell me, m'lady: when he looks at you, do you feel a kind of pricky feeling, like goosey pimples running all up and down your spine?
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: [blushes]
Bess: Then there's not a doubt of it!
Lady Marian Fitzswalter: A doubt of what?
Robin Hood: [eavesdropping from the window] That you're in love!