Conrad "Con" Jarrett: [Berger is pretending to be Buck, Con's older brother] Bucky, I didn't mean it! Bucky, I didn't meant it! Dr. Berger: What? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: I said put the sail down, but you said keep it starboard, and then we go over! And...
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: I made a 74 on a trig quiz. Beth Jarrett: Oh really? Gosh I was awful at trig. Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Oh. Really? You took trig? Beth Jarrett: No... wait a minute... ha, did I take trig? Huh... anyway, I bought you two shirts the...
Jeannine: [In a McDonalds restaurant booth Conrad sits with Jeannine, the suicide attempt scars on Conrad's wrist are displayed] Did it hurt? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: I don't remember, really. Jeannine: You don't want to talk about it? Conrad "Con" Jarr...
Calvin "Cal" Jarrett: Don't admire people too much, they might disappoint you.
Karen: Conrad. Let's have a great Christmas. Let's have... a great year. Let's have the best year of our whole lives. We can, you know... this could be the best one ever.
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Anyway. Jeannine: Hm, what? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Oh just anyway. It's a conversation starter. Jeannine: Hm, catchy. Conrad "Con" Jarrett: I knew you'd like it, I've been working on it all day.
Calvin "Cal" Jarrett: He just wants to know that you don't hate him. Beth Jarrett: Hate him! How could I hate him? Mothers don't hate their sons! Is that what he told you? You see how you believe everything he tells you? And you can't do the same for...
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: When I let myself feel, all I feel is lousy. Dr. Berger: Oh well excuse me, I never promised you a rose garden. Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Oh fuck you Berger. Dr. Berger: What? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: FUCK YOU! Dr. Berger: Hey, that's ...
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: It's impossible after all the shit I've pulled. Dr. Berger: What shit have you pulled? [pause] Dr. Berger: Hey, remember, I'm talking proportion here, now what shit? [pause] Dr. Berger: C'mon, you must be able to come up with at...
Beth Jarrett: [to her mother about the platter she just broke] You know, I think this can be saved. It's a nice clean break.
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: [about Karen's suicide] I feel bad about this! I feel really, really bad about this! Just let me feel bad about this! Dr. Berger: Okay. I feel bad about it, too.
Dr. Berger: Now. You can live with that. Can't you? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: I'm so scared! I'm scared. Dr. Berger: Feelings are scary. And sometimes they're painful. And if you can't feel pain... you won't feel anything else either. You know what I'm s...
Dr. Berger: So you felt great. You brought home a Christmas tree and everything was hunky dory. Okay? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: You're the doctor. Dr. Berger: Listen, don't take refuge in one-liners like "you're the doctor". Okay? Because that pisses me ...
Dr. Berger: A little advice about feelings kiddo; don't expect it always to tickle.
Jeannine: Hey, you stand behind me in the choir, you sing well, you have a lot of energy. Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Oh you do, I mean, I do? Jeannine: I mean that's a good thing. I'm Jeannine Pratt. Gail: And you're Conrad Jarrett, remember? Conrad "Con"...
Dr. Berger: So what are you thinking now? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: That I jack off a lot. Dr. Berger: So what else is new? Does it help? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: For a minute.
Jeannine: Can you ever break the ball? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: You can't break the ball. Can't break the floor. Can't break anything in a bowling alley. And that's what I like about bowling alleys. Can't even break the record.
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: You woulda visited Buck if he was in the hospital. Beth Jarrett: Buck would have never been in the hospital!