Wray: That's my jacket. I looked for it for two weeks.
Wray: Did you find what was in the pocket? Cherry: Fuck no. Wray: Look for it. Cherry: [searches through one pocket] Wray: No, the other one. Cherry: [searches through the other pocket and takes out a box with a ring inside it] Wray: I was gonna give...
Cherry: Look, you were being an unbelievable dick. I was walking out on you. I was cold, I took your fucking jacket. So, if you're go on one of your psycho, obsessive, controlling rants about a fucking jacket, then fucking take it 'cuz I'd rather fuc...
J.T.: That boy's got the devil in him.
Sheriff Hague: Give him the gun. Give him all the guns.
Dr. Dakota Block: No more dead bodies for daddy tonight.
'Thanksgiving' Announcer: White meat, dark meat. All will be carved. THANKSGIVING.
Abernathy: Zoe, the motherfucking cat!
Abernathy: Why not just carry a knife instead of a gun? Kim: You know what happens to mutha fuckers who carry knives? They get shot!
[repeated line] Kim: I'm gonna bust a nut up in this bitch right now!
[chasing after Stuntman Mike] Kim: I'm about to bust a nut up in this bitch, muthafucker!
[speeding by a bunch of cows] Kim: Moo, muthafucker, moo!
[from Machete trailer] Priest: I took a vow of peace. And now you want me to help you KILL these men? Machete: Yes, bro... I mean Padre. Priest: I'll see what I can do. [pumps shotguns]
Earl McGraw: God, dammit! Ramona, you've been fartin' like a goddamned pack mule.
Jungle Julia: But maybe a little later in the evening, you've had a few drinks, you're kind of losey gosey, you're safe with your girls. Then some kinda cute, kinda hot, kinda sexy, hysterically funny but not funny looking guy comes over and says it ...
Abby: [head is blown in half] Cherry: Is anyone else here a bio-chemical engineer?
Kim: Oh you know I can't let you go... Abernathy: Kim? Kim: Not without tappin' that ass... Zoe Bell: Umm Kim? Kim: One... More... TIME!
Kim: Motherfucker try to rape me, I don't wanna give him a skin rash, I wanna shut that nigga down.