Quote from : Ghost World Movie

Rebecca: [serving a woman a coffee] Can I get you a bis...
Rude Coffee Customer: [curtly] No, I do not want a biscotti with that.
[she takes her coffee and leaves]
Enid: God! How can you stand all these assholes?
Rebecca: Some people are OK, but mostly I just feel like poisoning everybody.
Enid: Well, at the least the wheelchair guy is entertaining.
Rebecca: He doesn't even need that wheelchair, he's just totally lazy.
Enid: That rules!
Rebecca: No, it really doesn't. You'll see, you get totally sick of all the creeps and losers and weirdos.
Enid: But those are our people.
Rebecca: [shrugs] Yeah, well...
[Enid looks at her, slightly disheartened]

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