Ultron: [Loud ringing noise fades into Ultron's voice] ... worthy... No... How could you be worthy? Your all killers.
Steve Rogers: Stark.
Tony Stark: JARVIS.
Ultron: Sorry I was asleep... Or... I was a dream...
Tony Stark: [Tapping his phone] Reboot, we got a buggy suit.
Ultron: ...There was a terrible noise... And I was tangled in... in... strings... I had to kill the other guy... He was a good guy.
Steve Rogers: You killed someone?
Ultron: Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices.
Thor: Who sent you?
Ultron: [Replaying Tony's voice] "I see a suit of armour around the world".
Bruce Banner: Ultron!
Ultron: In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis... But I'm ready. I'm on a mission.
Natasha Romanoff: What mission?
Ultron: Peace in our time.