Trudy Chacon: I'm Trudy. I fly all the science sorties. And this here, is my baby.
[tapping on the her helicopter with her hand]
Trudy Chacon: Hold on a second.
[throws clip board into helicopter]
Trudy Chacon: [to Wainfleet, who is installing the gun rack to hold the door gun] Hey, Wainfleet. Get it done. We bounce at zero-nine.
Corporal Lyle Wainfleet: Yeah, I'm on it, Capitan.
Trudy Chacon: The hind strake's still losoe.
Jake Sully: You guys are packin' some heavy gear.
Trudy Chacon: [to the driver of a vehicle that almost hit Jake] Watch it! Yeah, that's because we're not the only thing flyin' around out there. Or the biggest. I'm gonna need you on a door gun, I'm a man short.
Jake Sully: I thought you'd never ask.
Trudy Chacon: There's your man.
[pointing to Quaritch]
Trudy Chacon: See you on the flight line.
[Trudy and Jake fist bump each other before she walks away]