Pearls around the neck, stones upon the heart.
Prayers go up and blessings come down.
Pride can live in the dungheap.
Protest long enough that you are right, and you will be wrong.
Provide for the worst; the best can take care of itself.
Seek advice but use your own common sense.
Send a fool to close the shutters and he'll close them all over town.
She who wants to marry her stepfather regrets it in bed.
Shrouds are made without pockets.
Silence is the fence around wisdom.
Sins hide not in your sleep but in your dreams.
Sleep faster -- we need the pillows.
Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live.
Some people are electrifying, they light up a room when they leave.
Someone who can hold on to his money is worth more than the one who earns it.
Spare us what we can learn to endure.
Stupid solutions that succeed are still stupid solutions.
Talk too much and you talk about yourself.
The best horse needs a whip, intelligent men need advice, and devout women need a man.
The cold strengthens you more than hunger.
The complete fool is half prophet.