Sleeping is forgetting and forgetting is peace.
Politicians are judged by what they say and they don't do
...visą pataisos įstaigų sistemą reikėtų tiesiai taip ir vadinti - nusikaltėlių ugdymo bazėmis. Pradinis lygis - nepilnamečių kolonijos, kur paauglys arba suluošinamas psichiškai visam gyvenimui, arba užsigrūdina, surambėja ir išeina...
Beautiful hours move so quickly.
Lines don’t make beautiful women less beautiful
When deliberating, think in campaigns and not battles; in wars and not campaigns; in ultimate conquest and not wars.
Vi har ett slags grundmentalitet som gör att vi i första hand ser de förändringar som gör oss osäkra. Och det som gör oss osäkra är skrämmande, och ger i sin tur alltid upphov till myter och vanföreställningar.
Observou a doce ondulação das águas a rebentar na praia. Porque é que o mar sempre em movimento era tão calmante, tão infinitamente sedutor?
Daß Menschen glauben, ihrem Gott beispringen zu müssen, hat mit wahrer Frömmigkeit nichts zu tun. Im Gegenteil: Es ist eine Anmaßung ohnegleichen. Götter oder Propheten können durch Bilder unmöglich verunglimpft werden.
The greatest crimes in the world are not committed against the body, but against the freedom of the consciousness.
When we oppose oppression, we lift our hands from the collective reins that empower such oppression.
Ach, wie ich sie umfing, wie ich in ihre Arme stürzte, mit welch verzweiflungsvoller Inbrunst ich in ihrem Fleisch wühlte, als könnte ich in ihrem Leibe das Geheimnis ihrer Seele schlürfen.
A sturdy hold, but I think there's something up with the material.
A prijatelji su rod. Rod koji čovek po duši izabira.
In my illustrious career as a university student, I turned in over 100 papers so that one day, in the end, I got 1 paper in return.
Eating is an agricultural act.
The idea that creative endeavor and mind-altering substances are entwined is one of the great pop-intellectual myths of our time.
To write is human, to edit is divine.
(N)ot writing was hard work, almost as hard as writing.
When I write, I make discoveries about my feelings.
I didn't know till then the stars, in flakes of snow come down to fuck the earth, the lake.