Kalau Tuhan juga yang harus menyediakan semua aturan untuk memenuhi keperluan masyarakat, maka buat apa Tuhan karuniakan akal pikiran pada manusia, buat apa Tuhan karuniakan kemerdekaan kemauan pada manusia? Cukuplah kalau hanya menurut perintah saja...
Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.
orang2 yg menang di hidup tidak selalu kuat, cepat, pintar. pada akhirnya yang menang adalah orang yang percaya pada dirinya sendiri.
To be great is not a word but work that makes a word.
Foundations of each day build our future foundations.
I started getting really interested in comedy when I was in middle school.
My ego every day is more and more polite. I tame it.
I really do see it as the start of the second half of my career.
Jika penulis tidak mempertahankan prinsipnya, apa yang tinggal untuk ditulisnya?
I won't eat in a place that has suits of armor.
I got involved in Gateway National Park and just became fascinated with gardens.
I worked in the Senate in the 1970s. I worked for the Labor, Public Welfare Committee, and we had Ted Kennedy and my old boss, Bill Hathaway, and Walter Mondale.
I ran away from my house when I was about 12 years old to audition for a film.
I worked very hard and I earned all the attention I'm getting.
I'm probably not long-term-relationship material for now.
I don't speak very well, I work very well.
Business is boss, politics is servant.
Healthy people sleep eight hours, Wealthy people sleep four hours.
There is more competition to achieve a job, but very less competition to achieve the glory.
Creative minds doesn't get tired.
Think like magician, present like magician and perform like magician.