Fiction works when it makes a reader feel something strongly.
If you've got to get fired, it's really fabulous to get fired with a friend.
I don't know what my limitations are until I reach them. I look for the challenge.
When people are feeling insecure about their jobs and there are cuts to be made, it's hard to put up an argument that the film industry needs funding.
It does bear emphasis that slippery-slope arguments are notoriously invalid.
In my opinion, Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't qualified to be governor of California.
I'm an actor; I hire out.
I'm grateful for any opportunity to act.
Just because Galileo was a heretic doesn't make every heretic a Galileo.
Every edit is a lie.
I cook every day. If I don't cook, they don't eat. Who's going to do it? I'm their mother!
When I try to be perfect, it makes me not have fun.
I like to be right. I try not to miss the big ideas, forget the little ones, and try to get them right. End of job description.
For just when ideas fail, a word comes in to save the situation.
I have a very haute couture way of working.
It's important to do research. I do that in every play, every actor does.
I don't need the bread, but it's nice to do something creative.
It's the equivalent of putting on the brakes suddenly while driving uphill.
I have gotten used to working in the dark and I dig it.
I think I could have worked for the Clinton administration.
I worked at Military Media, an advertising agency for military-base newspapers. Don't ask, I won't tell.