I realized the exciting place was behind the camera with the producer, director and so on.
If no producer, no movie.
As soon as I got the Nobel Prize my back collapsed and I was in hospital.
When I started, there were no big interviews, no television, no profiles and all that. The publishers were quite shockingly uncommercial, but they did look after their writers.
I don't really analyze my process. I do know that if it's not right, I won't move on. I'm tenacious to a fault about that.
Ajarkan aku menjadi naif. Senaif dirimu yang masih bisa tertawa. Senaif kebahagiaan kita berdua. Karena setiap detik dikala kenyataan mulai bersinggungan. Aku rasakan sakit yang nyaris tak tertahankan. Atau ajarkan aku menjadi penipu, apabila ternyat...
Ada batas ketinggian maksimum untuk hak sepatu. Yang menurutnya patut dikasihani adalah orang-orang yang berupaya untuk mencuat dengan berjinjit di atas kemunafikan, haus akan elu-eluan tak bermakna, yang meletakkan harga dirinya di sewujud tubuh mol...
I record all night and sleep all day.
The welfare system in the United States is vile.
I try not to look back on my career.
Our job, as writers is to do our jobs.
There's something in me that just wants to create dialogue.
When I started out I was a failed actor.
I appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve the people of our state.
Film is a very intimate medium.
Washington, DC is to lying what Wisconsin is to cheese.
I get crushes on directors because they are so brilliant.
Sirk was every woman's dream of a director.
A lot of photographers walk around looking for something 'out there,' but I'm very much interested in what's 'in here.'
I don't really think of myself as an actor.
Porque en los momentos mas tristes hay alguien que llora contigo, sufre porque tu sufres, te entiende perfectamente bien cuando te enojas, comprende que en el fondo de tu enojo hay dolor, y no te deja nunca sola. Porque en los momentos mas felices br...