I spill it out as fast as I can. I don't really edit. In Brazil, recently, I wrote 70 pages. In London, 80 pages.
I'm very strongly in favor of the auteur theory.
I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm damn well gonna do it!
I'm really interested in vegan nail polishes, because a lot of nail polishes have a lot of toxins in them.
If people feel 4-4-2 is the way forward in international football, they'll have to wait until I'm out of a job.
To me, entrepreneurship means something different. I think of it as identifying and valuing opportunity.
Every single day, I write something new and record it.
A tattoo is graffiti on the temple of the body.
I was keenly aware when I was drafted, when I signed my first contract; immediately, I was thinking about the end.
Wer mit dem Zeigefinger voller Vorwürfe auf andere zeigt, sollte daran denken, dass in der Hand mit dem ausgestreckten Zeigefinger zugleich drei andere Finger auf ihn selbst zurückweisen.
I haven't done improv since I was in middle school.
Office hours are from 12 to 1 with an hour off for lunch.
I was hired as a penciler.
Don't make excuses. Make commitments and stick to them.
The creative brand of Cirque du Soleil is creativity.
Baseball and malaria keep coming back.
The poor despise labor when performed by slaves.
I met my wife in South Dakota.
I suppress the vast majority of what I write.
It's a bit of a crapshoot out there with young writers right now anyway.
I think it requires a bit of honesty, Swan Lake.