I first started working in film when I was 17. I was a director's assistant, an editor.
I'm very visionary, very big picture.
Beza membaca karya sastera dengan karya pop adalah penggunaan akal untuk mentafsir. Karya sastera memerlukan ketajaman akal untuk mentafsir. Adakalanya terpaksa mengkaji latar belakang penulisnya semata-mata untuk meneka 'niat' sebenar beliau menulis...
Pengorbanan. Kau membuat pengorbanan. Aku membuat pengorbanan. Kita semua membuat pengorbanan. Tapi kau merasa marah atas pengorbanan yang kau berikan. Kau selalu memikirkan apa yang telah kau korbankan. Kau belum mengerti. Pengorbanan adalah bagian ...
The gimmicky thing I'm not very keen on.
The corporate world is appallingly bad at capitalizing on the strengths of its people.
We continue to be vigilant.
I'm not at all overextended... I'm very, very hands-on.
Wanting to be a screenwriter is like wanting to be a co-pilot.
National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable.
My first album is playful.
Divorce is the psychological equivalent of a triple coronary bypass.
I'm super grateful to be an employed actor.
We rest our case on the production numbers.
I have a career, I worked so hard for it.
Healing requires a legitimated, credible and culturally appropriate system.
I sleep hard; I dream harder!
First wrong by brow-beater abuses the body of law. And the revenge of brow-beaten announces that there is no law in state. Says Bhutta
Don't take tension, just smoke Benson.
The tires were scorching hot, in fact I burned my fingers on one.
I've got a contract that keeps me around a few more years.