The mouth prays to Buddha, but the heart is full of evil.
The rich become deaf and the mighty blind.
There is no ivory in the mouth of a dog.
There is one fish in the pond, and ten anglers on the bank.
Venture all; see what fate brings.
Victory makes you into an emperor, defeat into a rebel.
What is good for the buffalo is good for the cow.
When eating the fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.
When husband and wife live in harmony, they can dry up the ocean without a bucket.
When the cat's away the mouse sits on its throne.
When the father has eaten too much salt in his lifetime, then his son thereafter will have a great thirst.
When the pain has passed one forgets the medicine.
When the tree falls, any child can climb it.
Where life is exhausted, death comes.
Women are like raindrops: some fall on palaces, others on ricefields.
You cannot breathe through another man's nose.
Young bamboo trees are easy to bend.