This is everyone's fight. Because it's everyone's future.
Era sólo que el tiempo volaba llevándose consigo más tiempo; eran sólo actos evidentes que nada sabían del futuro ni del pasado.
I study men like I study books: I skim their midsections.
Los humanos juraban cumplir su palabra poniendo por testigos a los dioses, pero ¿ante quién podrían jurar los propios inmortales?
Atenea se dio cuenta de que todas las miradas estaban clavadas en ella; y, en el caso de los hecatonquiros, eso significaba muchos ojos.
I get a lot of big ideas, and occasionally I actually come up with one myself.
Time is the Mind of Space.
À l'aurore, armés d'une ardente patience, nous entrerons aux splendides Villes.
Brīvība ir tik dārga manta, ka pat vismazāko kripatiņu no tās negribētos atdot citiem.
I have a black belt in sarcasm, and my wit is like lightning.
The pressures were wrong. There was just enough money and not enough time.
Self-pity” is just sadness, I think, in the pejorative.
There are poets,there are philosophers, there are spiritualists and me. I try to foot the bill of these mighty three.
Me and my readers, we’re on the same page. That page is one.
Such I hold to be the genuine use of Gunpowder: that it makes all men tall.
I swung my hips around like I unscrewed at the waist.
Don’t eat in the dark. My brand of cat food comes with a light bulb in the can.
If consciousness is currency, I've got me a goldmine!
Dinner for two is dinner for one, when one of the two is a cannibal.
En mi juventud me enseñaron que en el corazón de cada historia se esconde una semilla de realidad" -Bastet
Right now it’s 77 degrees—even if you’re a dyslexic.