Normalmente los magos definían 'escuchar' como un período durante el que decidías lo que dirías a continuación. Era desconcertante.
Va, je ne te hais point.
St. Bernard said, ‘Every word one writes smites the Devil.
I read the fuck out of every book I can get my hands on.
I was a boy that age once, and I know that 97.7 percent of their bodies are semen and the 2.8 percent is an incendiary device for spraying it.
One could say that my view legitimately fuses the end-time messianic expectations of all three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity!
Erano stati vanesi ed egoisti, persino Cam. Ma ora tutto ciò non aveva più importanza perché non era rimasto niente, tranne loro, tranne gli Dèi Bianchi che avanzavano sulla terra in cerca di qualcosa che non esisteva più.
My memories are like a shuffled deck of cards, each one coming up at random.
Mal tinha chegado ao país e queria encontrar todas as portas abertas ou explodi-las a dinamite. Eu já sabia que as portas estavam apenas encostadas. Talvez amanhã eu me visse eventualmente perdido num labirinto de 700portas.
While we read a novel, we are insane - bonkers.
Sandalias. Al maestro sufi Ghulam-Shah se le preguntó qué patrón utilizaba al formular sus cursos para discípulos. Dijo: “Descalzo hasta que puedas obtener sandalias, sandalias hasta que puedas valerte de botas”.
The younger people with the ache of youth were eating all the cheese.
and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.
Everyone wanted me to be the bad boy, the label wanted it, the publicists wanted it, but I was just trying to be myself.
Periodista: -¿Por qué vá a subir al Everest? Mallory: -Porque está ahí.
Engulfment is a moment of hypnosis.
The amount of perfume she had on was like a human sacrifice on Incense Night.
Ik heb altijd gevonden dat lichaamsbeweging niet alleen de sleutel is tot fysieke gezondheid, maar ook tot gemoedsrust. [...] Lichaamsbeweging verdrijft spanning en spanning is de vijand van sereniteit.
I felt like I was an arrow, pulled back and ready to be launched into something big.
She's pretty in a way that distracts me just like she did in the Skiz ring. No, pretty's not the right word. Beautiful.
Sometimes I travel just to be overwhelmed – for it’s good every now and then to be overwhelmed.