But remember what I said about forgetting what I said?
Hace más de mil años, en oriente se escribía que “Antes el Sufismo era una realidad sin nombre: ahora es un nombre sin una realidad”.
As long as one person reads the bullshit I put on paper, and likes it, i'll keep writing.
Dr. Pervy-Pants Dr. Depravity Dr. Ain't-Puttin'-Out Dr. Bossy-as-Fuck Dr. Obsessive-Compulsive Dr. Kinkybones Dr. Deviant Dr. Oh-So-Proper-I-Iron-My-Jeans Dr. Lick-My-Boots Dr. Smug-as-Shit Dr. Love-Me-Love-My-Butt-Nozzle Dr. Damn-Your-Dick-is-Mother...
If you're a bird... I'm a bird...
Sometimes to walk in shaded parts of Manhattan is to be inserted into a Magritte: the street is night while the sky is day.
Stick in and do my best.
We were discussing the fine puppetry of fate.
Don't let's ask for the moon! We have the stars!
fuzzy black lines hiccuped across the screen.
The best lies about me are the ones told.
Girls have periods and boys wank. Everybody.
So this was what it was like not to be me.
...up to no good—and pleased about it.
Because to the poor, books are not diversions. Book are siege weapons.
I decided to write the book I wanted to read
She smelled of talcum powder and Big Red.
Querem muitos que o tempo passe, depressa, depressa, e um dia descobrem que o tempo os devorou, sorna e galanteador, nessa luta desigual entre o finito de cada um e o infinito do mundo onde temos a ilusão de mandar no tempo, talvez porque damos cord...
Time was the greatest murderer in history.
Faceva male. Qualunque sentimento risultava doloroso accanto a quella donna, ogni cosa che nasceva e moriva attorno a Eleanor possedeva spine taglienti che si conficcavano ovunque dentro di lui. Un dolore al quale, nonostante tutto, il suo corpo non ...
Si scoprì a ricordare una carezza leggera e naturale, uno sguardo complice e rapito, un contatto tenero e fugace consumato in uno spazio angusto e scomodo. Una vasca. Lei, come non sarebbe mai più stata.