Did I just get psychically pimp-slapped by a little old lady?
The river plunged down in a long waterfall, plashing into several rocky pools on its way down the cliff.
A single night is stuffed with minutes, but they leak out, one by one.
Maybe it was me," Grandma said."Sometimes they sneak out.Did I fart?
Poslije se Rale navukao na nacionalizam, a Kole na heroin. Heroin bolje puca, ali nacionalizam je jeftiniji i legalan.
#Networking is people looking for people looking for people. As for me, I’m more of a birdwatcher.
World is a divine play. At the beginning and at the end, we are the same.
—Hace dos mil años que lucho solo. —Bueno, nunca se es demasiado viejo para aprender. Kyrian resopló. —No puedes enseñarle trucos nuevos a un perro viejo. —No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy. —El tiempo es oro. —Dios ayuda a...
Fifteen years ago I killed my sister.
¿Tú crees que una relación tiene como objetivo destrozar los sueños del otro?
If souls existed, they resided in flesh.
A bush-warbler, Coming to the verandah-edge, Left its droppings On the rice-cakes.
She looked away, trying not to cry. She hated crying, and in public she hated it more.
The thing about oracles is that they talk back.
Fear, left unchecked, can spread like a virus.
Keep on the watch and pray
We have to get out of here, Bram. Before they take our bollocks and use them for pincushions.
The Internet is not so different from a highly interactive videogame with competitors set to be offed.
Something of a pattern had started to form and it was ugly.
Câţiva centimetrii, câţiva ani, câteva mii de lei in plus, câteva cărţi citite în plus, mă rog, lucruri de felul ăsta despart oamenii.
Câţiva centimetri, câţiva ani, câteva mii de lei in plus, câteva cărţi citite în plus, mă rog, lucruri de felul ăsta despart oamenii.