EXPERIENCE empowers or disempowers.. All 'experience' however, is SUBJECTIVE!
Such is LIFE..Man comes crying and goes back firefighting..!
We're just lines and angles.
En el amor, veo una artimaña de mi instinto para no asesinar al otro[...]
Porque entonces era lo suficientemente atontada para no darme cuenta que aquél era uno de los infinitos hombres que nacen sólo para sementales y junto a una mujer no entienden otra actitud que ésta. Su cerebro y su corazón no llegan a más.
I keep myself to myself.
Weeks passed, but my Word-A-Day Calendar was stuck on "motherfucker.
They came for the freedom, they stayed for the McNuggets.
Egli era libero, ma infinitamente libero, fino a non sentirsi pesare sulla terra. Gli mancava quel peso delle relazioni umane che ostacola il passo, gli mancavano quelle lacrime, quegli addii, quelle gioie, quei rimproveri, tutto ciò che un uomo acc...
My mothering needed a tad more Mother Theresa and a lot less Lizzy Borden.
Graphic designers judge a cover by its book.
Non avevo capito l'ultima frase. L'avevo guardata uscire dalla sua bocca, ne avevo inseguito brevemente il suono. Poi, senza accorgermene, il mio sguardo si era avventurato nel suo. Allora sentii allentarsi i muscoli del viso. Tutto dentro di me cede...
Distinctive facial features of a parent are poor people’s paternity test.
To think is to be sick...
There’s not really such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people, there’s just like…humanity. And it gets broken sometimes.
The paper is patient, but the reader is not.
Time and space are awash here.
Creí que eras de oro, pero eres insoportable.
Kiekvieną akimirką jaučiame, kad negalime laimės išlaikyti, ir nė nebandome <...> Bet jeigu mes nemėginame sučiupti jos ir suturėti savo šiurkščiomis rankomis, tai gal ji, niekieno nebaidoma, išlieka mūsų akių gilumoje? Gal ji išliek...
Azhrarn, Lord of Terrors, terrified.
I have no enemies. I dont permit such a thing.