Some men were handsome. Some were powerful. Curran was...dangerous.
Yep, Atlanta was burning. Again.
The first magic wave kicked the world in the face.
south to a town named Medina, north of Bellingham, Washington. Today,
Era como una abuela para mí, una abuela vieja y dura que me enseñó un montón de cosas. Entre otras, a respirar. Eso me fue muy útil, y no sólo para interpretar. A veces, eso de respirar es todo un problema.
The snobbish lost in laud.
Ce ne stiamo in silenzio sotto quel cielo che ci guarda e chissà che pensa di noi. Ci sono sere in cui si vede a malapena una stella ma, se t'innamori, ne vedi tantissime, è come quando sei ubriaco e vedi doppio... stasera se ne vedono a g rappoli....
Tuck a buck as a puck of luck.
A dor era como um pontão velho, por vezes estava encoberto, e outras, visível, mas sempre presente.
Another glorious day, the air as delicious to the lungs as nectar to the tongue.
I'm independent and strong, but sometimes...just sometimes, it's nice to be taken case of. It's nice to be made to feel like a lady
Tea no more! Down with bustles!
A hotel room all to myself is my idea of a good time.
Even today, I've no idea what the truth is, or what I did with it.
My fault that we were terrified half out of our wits.
Winter is not a season in the North Middlewest; it is an industry.
¡Aprenderás a masticar los cataclismos, pequeño, y te los tragarás!
¿Se han preguntado alguna vez qué es lo que convierte en responsables a los hombres? Yo se lo diré: que solo tienen una oportunidad de hacer cada cosa. Si existieran máquinas que nos permitieran corregir hasta nuestros errores más estúpidos viv...
Lightning. Once it has forked, hot-white, from sky to earth, there is no going back
Weißt du, Jimmy, ich glaube, es wird ganz lustig sein, ein Weilchen in einer Redaktion zu sitzen." "Ich fände es schon sehr lustig, wenn ich _irgendwo_ sitzen dürfte... Na ja, da bleibe ich eben zu Haus und passe auf das Baby auf." "Sei nicht so v...
I'm not much but I'm all I have.