Kada dodje, imaće lice tudjina da bi se sakrio od mene.
She told me there was a place on my face she wanted to inhale.
Heads: This girl Tails: That girl
And the Hippos were boiled in their tanks!
Demos tiempo al tiempo, pero lo que siempre nos olvidamos de preguntar es si quedará tiempo para dar.
We fear what we long for. This is the paradox.
Velikost historických osobností nikdy nespočívala v jejich absolutním podrobení konvenci, ale tkvěla naopak v jejich osvobození od konvence a ve spásné svobodě. Vyčnívaly jako vrcholky hor z masy, která setrvávala v zajetí kolektivní...
...the enduring human need to be remembered.
That craptastical, gutless, son-of-a-cactus-humping butt monkey!!
Damn it, woman, stop offering to kill me!
Books are best preserved in the minds of readers.
People are basically irritating. Myself included.
With all due respect, if you’re forty-three, then I’m a fetus.
The more beautiful the sky, the more hopeless the neighborhood.
This was just no fun. I wanted my brain back.
The wreckage of stars - I built a world from this wreckage.
When I was growing up we didn't have a massive house and there were five women running around, so my dad and I had to stick together!
The End" is just the beginning.
Me, feeling. What a concept.
I did not like this feeling of having feelings.
Somewhere between a friend and acquaintance—a frequaintance, as it were.