A sabedoria vem com a idade, com a velhice, e suspeito que nos come os órgãos, pois quando mais sabemos das coisas, mais o fígado se queixa, mais os rins têm insuficiência, mais o coração pára. A sabedoria come tudo.
All mystics have had psychotic breakdowns, although not all psychotics are mystics.
Dobře, o dvě minuty mladší bratře." "Potom mi ten stůl vyčistíš, o dvě minuty starší sestro." ... "Něco mi uniká?" "Ne, o bůhví kolik let starší Johnny.
Annoyance has made me bilingual.
I looked on, I thought, I reflected, I admired, in a state of stupefaction not altogether unmingled with fear!
The world isn't scandalized by our freedom but by our fakeness.
I was not heroic enough to purchase liberty at the price of caste.
Conventionality is not morality. Self-righteousness is not religion. To attack the first is not to assail the last.
the horizon bounded by a propitious sky, azure, marbled with pearly white.
A nőket általában nyugodtnak, csendesnek tartják, pedig a nők éppen úgy szeretik a képességeiket, tehetségüket próbára tenni, mint fivéreik. Ők is éppen úgy szenvednek, ha túlságosan megkötik őket, ha tétlenségre vannak kárhoz...
I read not for entertainment but to feel what the writer has felt while writing even though if it was fiction.
The mind can be hunted, but hunting needs the mind.
Wild rejoice in jungles not in cages.
¡Si nuestra amistad depende de cosas como el espacio y el tiempo, entonces, cuando por fin superemos el espacio y el tiempo, habremos destruido nuestra propia hermandad! Pero supera el espacio, y nos quedará sólo un Aquí. Supera el tiempo, y nos ...
God goes with thoughtless people.
Maybe journey is not so much a journey ahead, or a journey into space, but a journey into presence.
Nunca habría sido capaz de decírselo, pero Owen me inspiraba. Las mentiras piadosas que yo decía a diario, las cosas que me guardaba, cada vez que no era sincera del todo... ahora me daba cuenta de eso. También era consciente de lo bien que me se...
Los Pueblos tienen los Gobiernos que se merecen.
We get together with people because they’re the same or because they’re different, and in the end we split with them for exactly the same reasons.
I mean that gods do not limit men. Men limit men.
I'm not well read, but when I do read, I read well.