I wanted so terribly to be good to him.
Di gran furore si pregna il suo scheletro, bagliori saettano, uscendo e rientrando da essa come rincorsi durante una fuga. Sembra un dio del cielo, pieno di boria, quando ai mortali si appresta a elargire doni che celano invero soltanto inganni. Alza...
Precisamente "rondar las cosas por el otro lado" es lo que diferencia al poeta del científico o del político, quienes, por el contrario, prefieren tenerlas siempre de frente, muy de frente.
In every end is the seed of a new beginning...water it well
Eastlake High makes Buffy's hellmouth look like a crack in the sidewalk.
the gospel of St. Marx is just the old Judaeo-Christian mythology with the supernatural sanctions left out
The past was filling the room like a tide of whispers.
Advice is bullshit. It's just one asshole's opinion.
Several famous people have licked my nipples. Well, indirectly. First they licked the stamps, and then I peeled them off the letters and stuck them on my nipples.
When she offered me a spot of tea, I said, “No thanks, I’ve already got a spot of tea on my shirt.
Viagra increases bloodflow to the penis, but what drug increases bloodflow to the brain?
When money for food is scarce, I’ve got to start tightening my belt. And if I keep getting skinnier from not eating, I’ll have to tighten my belt even further.
This is not the time to panic, this is the time to praise!
I remember the day coach decided to bench me. We were walking in a botanical garden.
To Americans, either/or means both.
Jacksonville has four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and football.
Credo di sembrare un tipo normale, forse persino simpatico, anche se mi hanno consigliato di apparire il più normale possibile, e di non provare nemmeno a fare quella che a me parrebbe un'espressione simpatica o un sorriso.
For me, it's writing a book and telling people about this story.
Los días se afanan por encontrarte, las noches te buscan en el desespero del deseo, y yo te vivo en bruto, desde esta ignorancia mía de poder perderte.
No, no - I think about thinking