When I have and failed, I shall have failed.
We move between two darknesses.
If I were omnipotent and omnibenevolent I wouldn't be so damn ineffable.
I used to be embarrassed by my mom, but now I know what she is—she’s a hero.
This is the best time to be an author.
I have to return some videotapes
I’m feeling particularly good and wicked at the moment.
A cold in the head in June is an immoral thing...
Memories wasn't a place, memories was in the mind.
I have this feeling like I'm waiting for something. But I have no idea what
Literature is news that stays news.
—¿Me querrás siempre? —Siempre, Aura, te amaré para siempre. —¿Siempre? ¿Me lo juras? —Te lo juro. —¿Aunque envejezca? ¿Aunque pierda mi belleza? ¿Aunque tenga el pelo blanco? —Siempre, mi amor, siempre. —¿Aunque muera, Felipe?...
Moja putanja spiralnog je oblika i život je postupno odmata. Sudjelujem, svakodnevno gubim ponešto slobode, umaram glasnice, ali uspjet ću već zbog toga što nisam motiviran koristoljubljem.
Teeth were created to be shown.
Al recordar su sonrisa, no sé por qué, me duele el corazón.
Por momentos duermen los ángeles para suicidas ángeles negligentes en los basureros del amor ángeles de fuego fatuo de cartón y contrabando
Mato de hambre al amor, para que devore lo que encuentre.
Apenas a consumação de um novo amor sepulta o anterior e até mesmo as vozes me abandonaram agora.
Damn fine ship’s cat are.
Every time I think about that girl, my mind commits a sin.
Mummy’s coming home late tonight. It’ll be just we guys, so we can get drunk and watch porn.