Tarnauk Dievui arba šėtonui.Tik neužmiršk – net ir šventieji klydo, ir šėtono tarnai išsidavė, nes žmogus iš prigimties nėra neklystantis.
Tarnauk Dievui arba šėtonui. Tik neužmiršk – net ir šventieji klydo, ir šėtono tarnai išsidavė, nes žmogus iš prigimties nėra neklystantis.
Debería haber sabido que no se puede huir de lo que eres, y que si quieres que las cosas sean distintas tienes que empezar por cambiar tu forma de verlas y enfrentarte a ellas.
Truth is a kaleidoscope - it alters with perspective
…but youth yearned to youth.
No great idea in its beginning can ever be within the law. How can it be within the law? The law is stationary. The law is fixed. The law is a chariot wheel which binds us all regardless of conditions or place or time.
On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time.
The best way to know a city is to eat it.
I thought these grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour.
Adolescence is a marketing tool.
Jen, we did it. Everyone's free now.
Jeigu būtų kur nors pasaulyje tokia vieta, kur tikrai vieną valandą per visus metus būtų galima gauti ką nors valgomo, jis kaip tik šią valandą, tarsi kokio įkvėpimo genamas, užsidėtų kepurę, išeitų, nueitų tiesiai lyg pagal kompas...
History is biology's dumping ground
Please don't feel shame. It's the devil's sword.
Organizing gods is like herding cats into straight lines. They don't take naturally to it.
Same here, Cap'n," Amos said. "I got a lot of past in my past.
For our hope in the future is cosmic, forging human history into eternity.
Shearwater sighed, like a whale in the night.
Eski istanbul'un güzel semtlerini yaratan Türklük, Şark medeniyeti içinde yaşıyordu; o zaman o medeniyetin manevi havasiyle, ahlâk ve muaşeret kaaideleriyle, hayat şartlariyle onları yaratmıştı; şimdi Garp medeniyetinin havası ve onun...
Hiding and waiting For the worst Or the end
I don't fear death--I fear dying before I've read Dickens end to end.