Time is the Mind of God.
My God is my time.
Don't try to be patriotic, just try to be good.
Time is a long journey of a moment.
Light is not light. It is time.
There is light in the world, and it is time.
Light is a form of time.
A virus is a living-nonliving duality.
Time is magic, magic is time.
A moment after a moment after a moment is power.
In each moment there is another moment we do not know.
A moment is the beginning-end duality.
A moment of time is the universe's fastest growing quantity.
Reality is in a moment of now.
A moment is a long story short.
Today is a big moment.
A moment is a paradox of time.
At the beginning was The Moment.
Time is the mother of all infinities.
Time is the mother of infinite dimensions.
Physics is all about time.