The city buildings in the distance are holding up the sky, it seems.
We are not self-caused little gods.
Sometimes they [people] throw off their freedom so quickly, you'd think it was burning them.
...I wondered if it was blasphemous to tell God that rainbows are kitsch.
Three quarks for Muster Mark!
Amen' is like the Send button on an email.
There are no wrong books. What's wrong is the fear of them.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
Dans chaque fin, il y a un début.
I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I've got to think.
Boys play with death as though it were a game, cutting their teeth on daggers.
there wasn't use trying to talk with a girl just because of something she'd said to me in a dream
The slang for the rectum is "prison wallet".
Revenge is a dish best served . . . At every meal.
My destiny plays with me in such a way I feel I play with my destiny.
L'amore è una faccenda intima strana e piena di contraddizioni, visto che non di rado amiamo qualcuno solo perchè amiamo noi stessi, per egoismo, avidità, desiderio fisico, brama di dominare l'oggetto d'amore e asservirlo; o al contrario, per desi...
Eu estava convencido de que nunca deveria sucumbir à tentação de perdurar. Porque, se morresse no início das coisas, elas seriam eternas, apenas assim. Nunca percebi nada do amor e nunca percebi nada sobre a morte. Um e outra me acossam.
In una parola, ero troppo codardo per fare quello che sapevo essere giusto, così come ero stato troppo codardo per evitare di fare quello che sapevo sbagliato. A quel tempo, non avevo avuto nessuna esperienza del mondo e non imitavo nessuno dei suoi...
Even a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day.
Because you're a girl and when a girl says she's fine, she's lying.
Stay cool, and wait for opportunity.