A book is like a vacation for the brain.
like an unrelenting jackhammer on a defenseless city street.
If you're not pitching, stop bitching
I know I look super young.
I'm actually not on Twitter.
I'm not a serious person, and I don't like serious people.
I write screenplays in the middle of the night.
We've got to dumb America up again.
I don't have a computer. A computer's a typewriter. I already have a typewriter.
All of my writing is God-given.
Coming down off crack is like the worst depression. The worst.
People are trading distance for dollars.
I appreciate the people there thinking about me, and I look forward to coming back to Paris for that occasion.
I was the editor of the 'News of the World;' I was the editor of the 'Sun' and chief executive.
He's sitting in the catbird seat.
No one can get to the Right of me.
I do a lot of CG stuff for fun.
I don't see myself as such an important guitarist.
Swords appear strong, but they're actually quite weak. Jesus appears weak, but he's actually quite strong.
The political spin in Washington is revolting, just revolting. It's a callous political game.
I don't know if you've noticed it. But Duchamp was magnificent.