You’re fucking kidding me, right?” “I don’t kid about fucking.
Every time I move I squash something said Loathesome.
Nous sommes devenus lucides. Nous avons remplacé le dialogue par le communiqué.
We don't need less kids, just more middle managers...
Had a big trial. It was like an Errol Flynn movie.
To have so little, and it of so little value, was to be quaintly free. is not enough to be free of the whips, principalities and powers
When I was a kid, they had a saying, 'to err is human but to really fuck it up takes a computer.’
Ma che cosa posso raccontare a questa ragazza, ora, in questa fredda mattina ventosa al Gritti Palace Hotel? “Che cosa vorresti sapere, Figlia?” le chiese “Tutto quanto.” “Va bene” disse il colonnello. “Incominciamo.
I feel so trapped, by my ego.
I was fifteen. I was bored. I was miserable.
It is this dependency that became, and is, the breeding ground for abuses of power.
¿Y ustedes qué? ¿Se quieren o se van a querer?
Me muera cuando me muera quiero que mi tumba huela como tu cuerpo ahorita.
Set wide the window. Let me drink the day.
If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak.
We’re late. For a VERY important date
Discontented women are like pressure cookers. The steam rises and one day they just reach boiling point.
Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.
The first problem of communication is getting people's attention.
Murder is a dream because lack is the center of both.