I have matured a lot.
People like to see showdowns.
I don't put myself under pressure.
I don't read a lot of books.
I write what I write.
No cierres mis labios abriendo los tuyos.
The world is in motion, as it seems.
Awards don't really mean much.
I have disassociated myself from that book.
I'm a bad liar; I don't know what to say backstage.
War is the worst way of gathering knowledge about a foreign culture.
Chase the dream not the competition.
Sin sorpresas, aunque sean disagredables, nadie estaria dispuesto a vivir.
Hat im 20. Jahrhundert irgendein anderer Roman so nachhaltig gewirkt wie "Pippi Langstrumpf"?
the past is the past think about now. not the past. we need to move on.
Sometimes the endpoint is the startpoint
I knew she was the one when she became my worst fear.......
mis manos comenzaron a sudar mis latidos a acelerar,¿que era eso? luego vi y pense "que hermosos ojos tiene
The endless thing in the world is Love.That is Beautiful.
Hield 'ie vroeger al zijn meningen en al zijn dromen stil. Nu was 'ie niks niet niemand nergens meer. Kan dus gaan waar 'ie maar wil.
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.