Unto the Cross came death, and unto death came the Cross.
But for this book we could not know right from wrong.
My brain as the engine, with thoughts trailing to the caboose, on a one-track mind we keep going forward.
If freedom rings, then bondage bombs.
Its Batteries! I just know it!
It takes time, or does time take it?
As day is to a sword, night is to a shield.
I don't possess these thoughts I have --- they possess me. I don't possess these feelings I have --- They obsess me.
It began with a hello, and ended in hell.
The book: an umbrella against ignorance
I'm mad in the front of my mind, but business-minded in the back.
I spoke Franglais growing up.
Be present and in the moment.
A nice quick workout is the stairs; it takes me five minutes to do 24 floors.
I eat an enormous amount of fruits and vegetables.
I'm actually a pretty clean-cut person.
There's not a lot of light on television.
My mother and grandmother both had beautiful skin.
I don't like to cry in public, unless I'm getting paid for it.
I don't like sitting around sets - I don't like the unpredictability of it.
I don't get stressed out.