I was a lot braver when I was eight.
Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.
A friend to kill time is a friend sublime.
The people's government, made for the people, made by the people and answerable to the people. January 1830
Ponytail girl leaned over and she and the tall boy kissed and it was carcinogen gums and magical.
Netikiu už pojūčių ribos egzistuojančia nuojauta, žaibu, vandeniline bomba ar net tokiais daiktais kaip žibutės, žuvų pulkai, bet žinau, kad jie egzistuoja. Netikiu šmėklomis, nors esu jų matęs.
The world hangs like a heart-shaped locket around my neck.
As in this world there are degrees of evils, So in this world there are degrees of devils.
Träume und Märchen waren ihr eigentlicher Lebensinhalt, dachte ich jetzt. Deshalb hat sie sich auch umgebracht, dachte ich, weil ein Mensch, der nur Träume und Märchen sich zu seinem Lebensinhalt gemacht hat, in dieser Welt nicht überleben kann,...
We've all lost something along the way.
Genocide, after all, is an exercise in community building.
it's like kissing a boy, finally, a boy
Because you're my friend, wingnut.
Is a dream the ultimate freedom, or the ultimate prison?
Don’t call me babe. I’m not a floozy. Or a freaking talking pig.
Everyone today has a story; the world’s an archive.
Letmeoutletme outletmeoutletmeout. Wait--let me back in! ... Letmeinletme inletmeinletmein. Wait--let me back out!
It isn't brave to do something you're not afraid to do.
It's wrong to anticipate evil.
By the hairy balls of Jesus
Walking is a virtue, tourism is a deadly sin.