Joseph went from kidnap experience to pit, to slavery, to prison then to PRIME MINISTER
To a teacher of languages there comes a time when the world is but a place of many words and man appears a mere talking animal not much more wonderful than a parrot.
I kill things...and eat them." Axel Reid
Spider or gum? Spider or gum? I thought quickly trying to come up with a believable excuse when I blurted out, “I swallowed a spider!” What? I swallowed a spider? What the hell is wrong with me?!
Mr. Richard odiava cordialmente a França. Ou ele não fosse inglês.
Heal the past and you'll heal the present." Kharis Macey
Naked guy think Hulk stupid?
First! Does this need to be said? Second! Does this need to be said by me? And third! Does this need to be said by me right now?
Once again, my hero. And here I’m supposed to be the one saving him.
Memories, made to last forever<3
Juk kiekvienas gyvas žmogus turi savyje stebuklingą krislą, kurį jis gali padovanoti pasauliui. Nepaprasta laimė – atrasti tą stebuklą, sužinoti kokį turtą turi. Daugybė žmonių iki pat mirties žiūri į savo sielą, bet taip ir nepama...
I'm soooooo greedy. Is that wrong?
Politicians are played by what they say and they don't do
the book I was reading turned out to be
I was thinking..." "We know," Pedro said, "It was like sitting next to a pressure cooker
A psychiatrist is the God of our age. But they cost money.
A book is a device to ignite the imagination.
Sottotenente Montanelli: – Bere e vivere. Cognac. Dormire e vivere e cognac. Stare all’ombra e vivere. E ancora del cognac. E non pensare a niente. Perché, se dovessimo pensare a qualcosa, dovremmo ucciderci l’un l’altro e finirla una volta ...
A recent survey said that 51% of Americans don't know any evangelicals – even casually.
As you become more clear about who you really are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you - the first time around.
Gosh, even Roark noticed Dominique.