You never know how you're going to be received, after all this time. The initial response we had was just overwhelming, particularly that tour of the States.
The unfolding of a story is both as exciting and as difficult for each and every novel I've written, regardless of time and place.
When I was 10 or 11, I was on this TV series called 'Dead Man's Gun' and Henry Winkler was a guest star. He hung out with me and my brother the whole time. We had no idea who he was. Our parents were star struck.
While there's time left, I want to do different kinds of things.
There was one point in high school actually when I was on the chess team, marching band, model United Nations and debate club all at the same time. And I would spend time with the computer club after school. And I had just quit pottery club, which I ...
Because many of us have been in game shows for some time, there's always someone around who can share a story of Johnny O or Jay Stewart that I never heard.
Because these show are live, script pages are being switched during the program and new commercial teases might be yelled in your ear with just enough time to scribble them on scrap paper before reading them.
Turning 60 was not a happy time. I didn't think 'I'm falling apart,' but I did re-examine my priorities.
A lot of times, I would play a lot of roles a man would play. In 'One Million Years B.C.' - yes, the costume was revealing. But I was outdoors all the time. I was fighting to survive; there was a girl fight. I was participating; it was physical, and ...
I don't feel like, unless I have a boyfriend or somebody to march down the aisle with for the fifth time, that I'm 'Oh, poor me.' I'm not going to go running out desperately looking, making myself crazy and thinking that, without that, I'm nothing.
The original 'Edge of Darkness' was fantastic, a fabulous series. It was of its time, but this film version shows that times really haven't changed.
'Once Upon A Time In America' is one of the cleverest films of all time, because you can get out of it whatever you want to get out of it.
I like to take things one step at a time, because the entertainment industry is very uncertain.
I think, like every working parent, I sometimes feel that there are not enough hours in the day. But overall, I'm very fortunate that my job has a lot of flexibility. I spend a lot of time with the kids, just around the house.
The thing I'm having a hard time with are the Christians who will stab you in the back in a wink.
I was never a part of the Actor's Studio, because two friends of mine started it in 1947 and by that time I'd gone to California.
We don't always agree on stuff, but when it's time to blow the whistle and start the game, we're not still debating.
I was born in 1949 - which seems like a long time ago... Actually, it is a long time ago, when I think about it.
Law is downstream from culture. By the time you make a law about something, you're reacting, not acting. I'd rather shape the culture.
As human beings we have a tendency when we like something to tie it up and make sure it's there for a long time. I've been working on being able to let things go. I don't think I ever want to buy property again.
As a woman, I feel women get the shaft all the time.