Prova de que o amor continua, em meio a toda sorte de absurdos, violências e marotices políticas e outras, e que nenhum índice de inflação, nenhum terremoto, nenhuma sinistra maquinação é capaz de cassá-lo da face da Terra.
The butterflies have flown away, like my ignorance and youth.
I've seen more intelligence in the crotch lice of harem whores.
"Religion is the opiate of the masses." "I did masses of opiates religiously.
What God says is best, is best, though all the men in the world are against it.
L'eccesso di orgoglio è un peccato molto diffuso, ma un uomo può frustrare altrettanto facilmente il volere di Dio per eccesso di umiltà.
L'inferno e il paradiso sono tutti e due dentro di noi.
It was Nathaniel's boundless capacity for stating the obvious that made him so charmingly human.
I had about as much chance to do that as I did of backpacking my car to the top of Mount Rushmore.
Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.
Perfume is the key to our memories
Ha a nők elmésnek, tehetségesnek találják, a férfiak el fogják hinni, hogy az, hacsak maga ki nem ábrándítja őket. Akkor aztán mindent akarhat, mindenütt megvetheti a lábát. Akkor majd megtudja, hogy a világ nem egyéb, mint megcsalta...
You're both so screwed up alone that together you're like the perfect mess.
Molly was arrested. Possession.” I blinked at him. “She was possessed?
Every expert was once an amateur.
Insecurity, thy name is teenager.
We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.
We parked our bikes on verges so they could graze.
Christianity is not a do-it-yourself thing.
Présente je vous fuis; absente, je vous trouve; Dans le fond des forêts votre image me suit
Sometimes reality is a fantastically traumatic nightmare.