What's the point of a houseful of books you've already read?
Great men are great until they know it. Saints are holy until they know it.
Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at the stars because we are human?
No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.
Heschel calls the Sabbath a cathedral in time.
In the beginning, there was movement.
Mēs traucamies pa dzīvi, it kā būtu uzsēdināti karuseļa koka zirdziņa mugurā. Šad un tad acu priekšā pazib kas tāds, ko varētu dēvēt par laimi, taču vēl neesam paguvuši to satvert, kad jau traucamies tālāk.
Ella me pertenecía, lo podía sentir, y yo sabia bien que le pertenecía a ella, mi lugar en el mundo era a su lado. Y todo me indicaba que ella era mi alma gemela, ella estaba hecha perfectamente para mi, cada célula, cada centímetro.
Lately, when I didn't have room to bitch, I didn't. Maturity, at last.
We are the Masters of each moment.
Money does talk, but it has a limited vocabulary.
One second she’s all timid, and then reeoowr! Hellcat.
Siempre es levemente siniestro volver a los lugares que han sido testigos de un instante de perfección
Nobody likes to see a stupid guy wise up.
Hazrat Ali, en un dicho que se le atribuye, dice: “El hombre está disfrazado, cubierto por su lengua
I'm a wolf ma'am. Not a cat. I don't play around with my prey.
Time does not heal old wounds. New ones do.
Si tú me dices ven, lo dejo todo, pero dime ven...
Put four fingers back in baby, please.
There is fact in every fiction and truth in every lie.
Home?' I say. It's a word that can mean anywhere and nowhere.