As people go their own way, destiny goes with them.
Before you build a house you have to dig a pit.
Even an elephant can slip.
Even the devil needs a friend.
He who loves the truth has many enemies.
If you are buying a cow, make sure that the price of the tail is included.
If you have planted a tree you must water it too.
Kind words conquer.
Learn about the future by looking at the past.
Only the cure you believe in cures.
Our shadow will follow us.
The beggar who asks for crumbs gets more than the one who asks for bread.
The one who teaches is the giver of eyes.
When I drown, the whole world drowns.
When the mother dies the father becomes an uncle.
Why would a man without a bow look for arrows?
You can buy everything, except a father and a mother.
Abstinence is the best medicine.
Our faults provide opportunities for others.
Popular agitation leads to justice.