Experience is not always the kindest of teachers, but it is surely the best.
Fate sends almonds to toothless people.
Fear and love never eat from the same plate.
Feed the raven and he'll peck out your eyes.
Flattery makes friends and truth makes enemies.
For a bad night, a mattress of wine.
For a chaste woman God is enough.
Friendly words gain much and cost nothing.
Frivolous talk is like shooting without aiming.
From a fallen tree, all make kindling.
From the leather of others you can cut long strips.
Giving alms never lessens the purse.
Go to friends for advice; to women for pity; to strangers for charity; to relatives for nothing.
God comes to see without ringing the bell.
God delays but doesn't forget.
God is a good worker but He loves to be helped.
Guests always have nice backs.
Habits are first cobwebs, then cables.
Habits are first gossamer then cables.
Halfway is twelve miles when you have fourteen miles to go.
Happiness itself does not stay -- only moments of happiness do.