You can't sew buttons on your neighbor's mouth.
You cannot build a wall with one stone.
You cannot buy wisdom abroad if there is none at home.
You cannot drive straight on a twisting lane.
You cannot write in the chimney with charcoal.
You do not need a whip to urge on an obedient horse.
You don't get a headache from what other people have drunk.
You don't learn anything from buying, but you do from selling.
You don't milk a cow with your hands in your pockets.
You get used to everything -- even hell.
You have summer and you have winter -- why, then, be in a hurry?
You know a bird from the way he flies.
You must chop down the tree that gives too much or too little shade.
You need a sharp axe for a tough bough.
You need sharp axes for knotty trees.
You would do better to sit on a powder keg than on the knee of a woman.
Your body belongs to the Tsar, your soul to God, and your back to the squire.
Your dog wishes you a long life.