A kind word is like a Spring day.
A lizard on a cushion will still seek leaves.
A lonely person is at home everywhere.
A man without a wife is like a man in winter without a fur cap.
A net will catch more than a pole.
A nightingale doesn't feed on songs.
A pessimist is a well-informed optimist.
A priest's belly is made up of several sheepskins.
A proverb can't be judged.
A silent man is not a conquered man.
A sin of gold is followed by a punishment of lead.
A sleeping fox counts chicken in his dreams.
A spoken word is like a sparrow that once has flown away, cannot be caught again.
A spoken word is not a sparrow. Once it flies out, you can't catch it.
A stranger's soul is like a dark forest.
A tale is soon told; a deed is not soon done.
A thousand friends are few; one enemy is too many.
A toad too would like to crack nuts, but he has no teeth.
A virgin's heart is a dark forest.
A wife should be as humble as a lamb, busy as a bee, as beautiful as a bird of paradise and faithful as a turtle dove.
A wise man sees only water in the tears of a woman.