Where necessity speaks it demands.
Where something is thin, that's where it tears.
Where you saw wood, there the sawdust will fall.
Who falls in the water will hold on to the foam to save himself.
Who lives in exile finds that spring has no charm.
Who owns the bank owns the fish.
Who talks little hears better.
Who wants heat, must endure the smoke.
Whoever wants honey must breed bees.
Why marry, when your neighbor's wife is ready to go to bed with you?
Wine bears no blame -- only the drunkard.
Wisdom is born; stupidity is learned.
With a piece of bread in your hand you'll find paradise under a pine tree.
With lies you may go ahead in the world, but you can never go back.
With seven nurses the child loses its eye.
Without a shepherd, sheep are not a flock.
Without the shepherd, sheep are not a flock.
Work makes you into a hunchback and then rich.
You can best shoot an eagle with an arrow made from its own feathers.
You can't drive straight on a twisting lane.
You can't keep a word of thanks in your pocket.