Make yourself a sheep and the wolf is ready.
Many who have gold in the house are looking for copper outside.
Meanness looks through one eye only, ambition is blind.
Men who watch their fortune grow find their houses too small.
Men will not be fortunate without a helping hand from misfortune.
Misfortune does not visit the weak-hearted.
Mistrust is an axe in the tree of love.
Money is like down -- one puff and it's gone.
Money is only good for a weekday, a holiday, and a rainy day.
Never kiss an opportunity with a dirty mouth.
No apple tree is immune from worms.
No matter how much you feed a wolf, he will always return to the forest.
No one can take two skins from one ox.
No one is dragged to heaven by the hair.
No one is hanged who has money in his pocket.
No year has two summers.
Not all who make love make marriages.
Not everyone who has a cowl on is a monk.
Not everything is a mermaid that dives into the water.
Old age is not a blessing.
Old age is not a joy, but death is not a gain.