Let every act be just, and proper, and beneficial.
...there is reinforcement in such familiar back-formations as Chinee from Chinese, Portugee from Portuguese.... (p. 111)
Nature seems to welcome defiance of conventions, and to say, with a smile, 'So, the truant has come back again!' ("Absolute Evil")
Aynanın karşısında yumuşak, seri ve ağırbaşlı bir hareketle Arap Sado'nun yadigarı muhteşem sustalıyı açtı. Gençliğini bir süre daha ayna karşısında seyredip sustalıyı bileklerine indirdi!
Mucizenin doğanın işleyişinden tamamen bağımsız olduğunu düşünürsek, doğanın onu gerçekleştirmek için kendi işleyişinin dışına çıkmak zorunda kalacağını da kabul etmemiz gerekir; bir mucize gördüğünü söyleyen biriyle ...
The reflex of fear was soon replaced with another, more useful emotion. Rage.
I felt as though I were snorting cocaine, or rappelling down a cliffside, or cliffsurfing off a cliff of pure cocaine.
The presence of hundreds of books had finally convinced Hermione that what they were doing was right.
Ránk telepedett a csönd, az a fajta jótét hallgatás, amely időről időre megszakítja idegenek hétköznapi beszélgetését, és lehetővè teszi, hogy baj nélkül visszatérjenek életük ismerős keretei közé.
On peut chercher dans Dieu le complice et l'ami qui manquent toujours. Dieu est l'éternel confident dans cette tragédie dont chacun est le héros.
Dreams are real; dreams exert influence
Sure. If she gets mugged, she can just flute them to death.
If certain Jewish communities had distinctive qualities, they were due to history, not biology.
What’s more insane? Hearing imaginary voices? Or not hearing the real ones?
When I look at a person, I see a person - not a rank, not a class, not a title.
A refreshed mind is a creative and productive one
Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind.
Time passed at an accelerated pace. They could be sitting in traffic or talking on the phone or waiting in line for a movie, and their time felt precious, important, worthwhile.
Justice is useful when money is useless.
Just because they're a story doesn't mean they're not real.
Form is useful, but it is secondary.