If a poor man gives to you, he expects more in return.
If you give orders and leave, the work won't get done.
If you have a friend who is a doctor, then send him to your enemy's house.
If you want good advice, consult an old man.
If you would make an enemy, lend a man money, and ask for it back again.
It is better to receive awards that you don't deserve rather than deserve them and not receive them.
Keep your sickness until Friday and don't fast.
Live to live and you will learn to live.
Love has no law.
Meowing cats catch fewer mice.
Mouth from honey, heart of gall.
No one is a good judge of his own case.
No one is poor but he who thinks himself so.
Not much is achieved where everyone gives the orders.
One good word puts out the flames better than a bucket of water.
Peace with a club in hand is war.
Peace with a cudgel in hand is war.
Pretend to be dead and the bull will leave you alone.
Sweet are the tears that are dried by your loved one.
Tell your friend a lie. If he keeps it secret, then tell him the truth.
The accomplice is as bad as the thief.