In politics, readily dismissing inconvenient people can easily extend to dismissing inconvenient truths about them.
A politician is a person with whose politics you don't agree; if you agree with him he's a statesman.
What do you want to be a sailor for? There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find at sea. Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks. You will find them all in politics.
If the economy is still going forward, even at 40 miles an hour, 50 miles an hour, I think most people will stick with President Obama. I think people look at politics like they hire a plumber. I hire you to fix the bad pipe. If you fix it, I'll rehi...
The John F. Kennedy Institute of Politics was originally intended to bring scholars and politicians into closer contact, on the assumption that other office-holders can use academics as profitably as Kennedy did during his political career.
You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.
Nixon was the beginning of people not trusting politics.
Politics is about winning. If you don't win, you don't get to put your principles into practice. Therefore, find a way to win, or sit the battle out.
People are very interested in politics, they just don't like it labelled politics.
I think the American people have been surprised by the enthusiasm with which the Iraqis have taken to elections and politics.
People are fed up with the politics where candidates just rip each other apart and then the voters lose in the end because no one really knows what anybody stands for.
My philosophy comes from a worldview that looks at the world as one. It's a holistic view that sees the world as interconnected and interdependent and integrated in so many different ways, which informs my politics.
We, to some degree, are like what we are because we inherited certain things from the Greeks and the Romans. One of them that's so striking is the whole area of politics.
I'd never been a tract writer; I'd never been a philosopher; I'd never taken part in extraordinary industrial dispute activism; I'd not been in any of that background, but I was able to mix it in what had become, conceived to be, the new front line o...
Alan was always interested in politics in a major way. He actually believes that anarchy is a politically viable system, but I don't. I was always interested in putting forward the ideas that represented my viewpoint. I feel the same about anything I...
It turns out that it's easier to do politics in a movie. People really don't want it in their TV.
I'm very interested in politics, and I feel TV is a more political medium than film.
I grew up listening to my father argue politics into the night and taking trips every Saturday to the Hood River library where my mother maintained her interest in reading and encouraged the same from her sons.
I am interested in politics.
I'm not the guy to ask about politics. I'm a gag writer.
I've committed myself to serve my constituents in South Shields and I have committed myself to British politics.