World needs a new order of modern economy.
Thought assists memory in enabling it to order the material it has assembled. So that in a systematically ordered memory every idea is individually followed by all conclusions it entails.
There was no style in nature.
All men by nature desire knowledge.
The things you fear are undefeatable not by their nature but by your approach
Nature is gendered, but not sexist.
Enough white lies can scorch the earth black.
Almost anyone can be an author; the business is to collect money and fame from this state of being.
That was the worst truth of all: alone. The word was a kind of death.
Nature is to zoos as God is to churches.
Après trois ans, un couple doit se quitter, se suicider, ou faire des enfants, ce qui sont trois façons d'entériner sa fin.
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly.
The woods were my Ritalin. Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses.
Human nature is the same in all professions.
Communism is an aggressive religion of the species.
During the day, the library is a realm of order.
willow trees, willow trees they remind me of Desdemona I'm so damned literary
Marcus, ¿sabe cuál es el único modo de medir cuánto se ama a alguien? -No. -Perdiendo a esa persona
Creation of a pregnant imagination.
The branches of the trees looked as if they were holding hands and bowing their heads in prayer.
I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.