Nature has made a pebble and a female. The lapidary makes the diamond, and the lover makes the woman.
As a means of contrast with the sublime, the grotesque is, in our view, the richest source that nature can offer.
I like Alaska for the salmon fishing - it's fantastic there. I usually stay in a log cabin with no one around for miles. I like to go with friends, but I'm also happy to be on my own with nature.
What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly - that is the first law of nature.
We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies - it is the first law of nature.
Evolution happens in nature and in individuals. I want to participate actively in its happening within me.
I'm optimistic about people and about the planet and about nature. I think it's resilient, like people are.
It is hard, I submit, to loathe bloodshed, including war, more than I do, but it is still harder to exceed my loathing of the very nature of totalitarian states in which massacre is only an administrative detail.
You need to have tremendous confidence in your work, even a touch of arrogance, chutzpah. Many very fine researchers lack intellectual daring. It's human nature to want to be cozy, secure. But that can be a cul de sac.
People often ask how I got interested in the brain; my rhetorical answer is: 'How can anyone NOT be interested in it?' Everything you call 'human nature' and consciousness arises from it.
As the twig is bent the tree inclines.
I think goodness is about how person behaves to person, and also person to world, to nature.
My nature is to worry about everything too much.
My nature is... well... I'm a searcher by nature. I'm constantly searching for something; that's why I have a song called 'Looking for Something.' How do I do it? I read a lot of spiritual books; I meditate.
Consistency is found in that work whose whole and detail are suitable to the occasion. It arises from circumstance, custom, and nature.
In the end of five years I made supplication to the king to go out of this land, desiring to see my poor wife and children according to conscience and nature.
The relative property of the Son is to be begotten, that is, so to proceed from the Father as to be a participant of the same essence and perfectly carry on the Father's nature.
Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once.
I am two with nature.
The being without an opinion is so painful to human nature that most people will leap to a hasty opinion rather than undergo it.
One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea.