I asked my Greek chorus about this sort of hero: the Underappreciated Personification of Resolve.
Druids were supposed to be forces of preservation, not destruction, and I could not dance around the fact that my stupid pride had turned me into a misbegotten cockwaffle.
If I had four fingers growing out of my forehead, I wouldn't try to play the piano with my nose.
We talked for four hours. Well, I talked for four, and she listened for two.
I dance like I have a chip on my shoulder. I dance salsa.
I don’t drink water, because if water can erode rock, think what it can do to flesh.
I can be a gentleman off and on. When the urge hits me. - Tran
Even the rain in its night singing, / the night rain in its forgetting, / is a kind of light.
Music has the power to shake society, especially if the bass is turned way up.
Aures habent et non audient` - `They have ears but hear not
I hear phonetically on the phone. Toiletries sounds like toilet trees to me.
A volt is a measure of power, and the same can be said when people revolt.
But thought has no eyelids to close or ears to block...
A couple of them were school beauty-queen pretty while a few were that more real-looking type. A realer kind of pretty.
I could hear the human noise as were standing still in between the spaces of silence.
Tell me you're truth. I'm listening.
Every song is a story unfolding.
Jokainen on nähnyt, miten vesi juoksee vesikellosta. Samalla tavoin kuluu ihmisen aika, mutta ihmisen aikaa ei voi mitata vesikellon mukaan, vaan ainoastaan kaiken sen mukaan mitä ihmiselle tapahtuu. Tämä on suuri ja ylevä totuus ja täysin ihmi...
Ja uopšte mislim da najčudniji ljudi izgledaju vrlo konvencionalno, vrlo standardno. Jer čovek koji je zaista čudan iznutra, onaj koji je u dubokom nesporazumu sa svetom koji ga ne prihvata i ne shvata, ne oseća nikakvu potrebu da se ukrašava s...
We need no language to laugh
Banyak orang yang berharap dapat memutar kembali waktu karena penyesalan, sampai hanya itu yang tinggal di benak mereka. Sampai penyesalan menggerogoti jiwa mereka, sampai lama-kelamaan mereka mati bersamanya. Penyesalan, sama seperti hidup, sama sep...